Web of Science Journals
A. Ratiu, I. Maniu, E.-L. Pop, EntreComp Framework: A Bibliometric Review and Research Trends, Sustainability, 15(2), 1285, 2023.
Oana-Adriana Ticleanu, Teodora Popa, Daniel Ioan Hunyadi, Nicolae Constantinescu, Detecting Encrypted and Unencrypted Network Data Using Entropy Analysis and Confidence Intervals, Entropy, Vol. 25, No. 3, 2023
Boitor, O.; Stoica, F.; Mihăilă, R.; Stoica, L.F.; Stef, L. Automated Machine Learning to Develop Predictive Models of Metabolic Syndrome in Patients with Periodontal Disease. Diagnostics 2023, 13, 3631. https://doi.org/10.3390/diagnostics13243631
Maniu, I., Maniu, G. C., Antonescu, E., Duica, L., Grigore, N., & Totan, M. (2023). SARS-CoV 2 Antibody Responses in Pediatric Patients: A Bibliometric Analysis. Biomedicines, 11(5), 1455
Laura Florentina Stoica, Stoica Florin, ATLDesigner: ATL Model Checking Using An Attribute Grammar, International journal of software engineering and knowledge engineering (IJSEKE), Vol. 32, No. 08, pp. 1125-1154, 2022, ISSN: 0218-1940.
Oprea, Simona-Vasilica, Adela Bâra, Cristian-Eugen Ciurea, and Laura F. Stoica, Smart Cities and Awareness of Sustainable Communities Related to Demand Response Programs: Data Processing with First-Order and Hierarchical Confirmatory Factor Analyses, Journals Electronics 2022, 11(7), 1157.
Daniel Ioan Hunyadi, Oana Adriana Ticleanu, Nicolae Constantinescu, Optimal Elliptic-Curve Subspaces for Applications in Double-Authenticated Requests in Mobile Distributed Data Mining, Mathematics, published 27 Dec. 2022
Dana Simian, Oana Adriana Ticleanu, Nicolae Constantinescu, Characterization of a cubic interpolation scheme dependent on two parameters and applications, Annals of the University of Craiova, Mathematics and Computer Science Series, Vol. 49, nr. 2, pp. 445-460, 2022
Maniu, I., Maniu, G., & Totan, M. (2022). Clinical and laboratory characteristics of pediatric COVID-19 population—a bibliometric analysis. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 11(20), 5987
Marian-Pompiliu Cristescu, Raluca-Andreea Nerișanu, Maria Flori, Florin Stoica, Florentina Laura Stoica, Analysing the Stock Market as an Economic Lever, Using a Qualitative and a Quantitative Model, Journals Mathematics 2021, 9(19), 2369.
Maniu, I., Costea, R., Maniu, G., & Neamtu, B. M. (2021). Inflammatory biomarkers in febrile seizure: A comprehensive bibliometric, review and visualization analysis. Brain Sciences, 11(8), 1077
Neamțu, B. M., Visa, G., Maniu, I., Ognean, M. L., Pérez-Elvira, R., Dragomir, A., … & Băcilă, C. (2021). A decision-tree approach to assist in forecasting the outcomes of the neonatal brain injury. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(9), 4807.
Maniu, I., Costache, C., & Dumitraşcu, D. D. (2021). Adoption of green environmental practices in small and medium-sized enterprises: Entrepreneur and business policies patterns in romania. Sustainability, 13(9), 4968
Costache, C., Dumitrascu, D. D., & Maniu, I. (2021). Facilitators of and barriers to sustainable development in small and medium-sized enterprises: A descriptive exploratory study in Romania. Sustainability, 13(6), 3213
Costea, R. M., Maniu, I., Dobrota, L., Pérez-Elvira, R., Agudo, M., Oltra-Cucarella, J., … & Neamtu, B. (2021). Exploring inflammatory status in febrile seizures associated with urinary tract infections: a two-step cluster approach. Brain Sciences, 11(9), 1168
Totan, M., Gligor, F. G., Duică, L., Grigore, N., Silișteanu, S., Maniu, I., & Antonescu, E. (2021). A single-center (Sibiu, Romania), retrospective study (march–november 2020) of covid 19 clinical and epidemiological features in children. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 10(16), 3517
Vecerzan, L., Olteanu, A., Maniu, I., Boicean, A., Cipăian, C. R., Dura, H., … & Mihăilă, R. G. (2021, May). Thrombin generation in chronic liver diseases—a pilot study. In Healthcare (Vol. 9, No. 5, p. 550).
G. Cerasela Crişan, Elena Nechita, Dana Simian, On Randomness and Structure in Euclidean TSP Instances: A Study With Heuristic Methods, in IEEE Access, vol. 9, pp. 5312-5331, 2021.
Sapira, V., Telehuz, A., Nechifor, A., Stoian, V., Maniu, I., & Lungu, M. (2021, October). AN unusual Constellation of conditions causing ischemic stroke: syphilis and thrombocythemia. in International Journal Of Stroke (vol. 16, no. 2_ suppl, pp. 158-158). 1 olivers yard, 55 city road, London ec1y 1sp, England: sage publications ltd.
Dana Simian, Florin Stoica, Alina Bărbulescu, Automatic optimized support vector regression for financial data prediction, Neural Computing and Applications, 2020, , ISSN 0941-0643, pp. 1-14, AIS 0.783.
Costea RM, Maniu I, Dobrota L, Neamtu B. Stress hyperglycemia as predictive factor of recurrence in children with febrile seizures, Brain Sci. (2020) 10:131.
Soraya Sedkaoui, Dana Simian, Developed Framework Based on Cognitive Computing to Support Personal Data Protection Under the GDPR, Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol. 1126, Modelling and Development of Inteligent Systems, pp.111-130, 2020.
Curtean-Bănăduc A., Cismaș I.-C., Bănăduc D., Management elements for two Alburninae species, Alburnus alburnus (Linnaeus, 1758) and Alburnoides bipunctatus (Bloch, 1782) based on a decision-support system study case, Transylvanian Review of Systematical and Ecological Research, Vol. 21, Nr. 2, The Wetlands Diversity, ISSN-L 1841 – 7051, ISSN 2344 – 3219, pag. 81-92, 2019.
Curtean-Bănăduc A., Cismaş I.-C., Bănăduc D., Gobio genus species integrated management system – Târnava rivers study case (Transylvania, Romania), Transylvanian Review of Systematical and Ecological Research, Vol. 21, Nr. 1, The Wetlands Diversity, ISSN-L 1841 – 7051, ISSN 2344 – 3219, pag. 83-96, 2019.
Scopus Journals
Dana Simian, Felix Husac, Challenges and Opportunities in Deep Learning Driven Fashion Design and Textiles Patterns Development. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 1761, Modelling and Development of Intelligent Systems, pp. 173-187, Springer, Cham, 2023.
Dana Simian, Marin-Eusebiu Serban, A comprehensive Architectucre Application for unlocking the potential of student feedback, Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Brasov Series III: Mathematics and Computer Science, Vol. 2(66), No. 2 – 2023, in production.
Dana Simian, Adrian Vulpeanu, Using Python in developing video games, Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Brasov Series III: Mathematics and Computer Science, Vol. 2(64), No. 2 – 2022, pp. 203-214, 2022.
Dana Simian, Ralf Fabian, Mihai Stancu, Automatic watermark identification based on machine learning techniques, Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 1341, Modelling and Development of Intelligent Systems, pp.264-284, Springer, Cham, 2021
Maria F., Approaching a sustainable vector model for environmental crisis management, The International Journal of Interdisciplinary Organizational Studies, ISSN No. 2324-7657, Volume 18, Issue 1, Year 2023.
Florentin Bota, Dana Simian, Embedding Human Behavior using Multidimensional Economic Agents, Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 1341, Modelling and Development of Intelligent Systems, Springer, Cham, pp.3-19, 2021
Flori M., Qualitative study of a computer model in the cybernetic field, The Annals of the University of Oradea. Economic Sciences Tom XXIX 2020, Issue 2 (Decembrer 2020), ISSN 1222-569X, eISSN 1582-5450, pag. 270 – 283.
Pitic Elena Alina, Pitic Andrada Alita Elena, The Positive Effects of Video Games on the Human Mind, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED STATISTICS AND IT&C FOR ECONOMICS AND LIFE SCIENCES, pg. 24-31. ISSN 2559 – 365X
Ionela Maniu, Emilia Loredana Pop, Augusta Ratiu, Eduard Traian, Stefanescu, Insights from IT jobs market with text mining approach, SEA – Practical application of science, VIII (24/3),287-298, 2020
Raluca Maria Costea, Ninel Revenco, Svetlana Hadjiu, Cornelia Calcîi, Sprincean Mariana, Ionela Maniu, Bogdan Mihai Neamţu, Luminiţa Dobrotă, Prevalenţa infecţiilor de tract urinar în cazul copiilor cu convulsii febrile, Buletin De Perinatologie – Journal of Reasearch and Practice, 2(87), 2020
Ionela MANIU, George MANIU, Bogdan NEAMȚU, Quality of life measurement instruments for headache and migraine disorders, Applied Medical Informatics Vol. 41, Suppl. 1 /2019, p. 24
Cristina-Ioana ROTH, Adriana STANILA, Dan STANILA, George Constantin MANIU, The relationship between symptoms and diagnostic tests of dry eye: a cluster analysis approach, Acta Medica Transilvanica, vol 24, issue 3, pages 95-99, September 2019
Raluca Maria Costea, Ionela Maniu, Bogdan Neamţu, Glycemic Status in febrile seizures, Acta Medica Transilvanica December; 24(4):58-61, 2019. ISSN 2285-7079
Cristina-Ioana Roth, Adriana Stanila, Ionela MANIU, Andrei-Catalin Muntean, Dry Eye: The Relation Between Symptoms And Diagnostic Tests, SEA – Practical Application of Science, issue 20, pages 117-122, 2019
Ionela MANIU, George MANIU, Bogdan NEAMȚU, Quality of life measurement instruments for headache and migraine disorders, Applied Medical Informatics Vol. 41, Suppl. 1 /2019, p. 24
Raluca-Andreea Nerișanu, Marian-Pompiliu Cristescu, Florin Stoica, Florentina Laura Stoica, Dumitru Alexandru Mara, The Good Part of COVID-19 Pandemic: Increasing the Living Standards of Physically Challenged People by Accepting Telework as a New Normality, in Association with Assistive Technologies, GSMAC 2022. Springer Proceedings in Business and Economics. Springer, Cham. pp 101–119, 2022.
Florin Stoica, Laura Florentina Stoica, Integrated Tool for Assisted Predictive Analytics, Proceeding of 7th International Conference on Modelling and Development of Intelligent Systems, MDIS 2020, Sibiu, Romania, October 22–24, 2020, Revised Selected PapersSibiu, pp. 149-166. Anul publicării 2021.
Daniel Mara and Daniel Hunyadi, Stimulating teachers’ participation in lifelong training programs, 10th International Conference on Manufacturing Science and Education – MSE, Volume 343,2021.
Ionela Maniu, Raluca Costea, Ciprian Bacila, Bogdan Mihai Neamtu, Exploring Inflammatory Status in Febrile Seizures Associated with Urinary Tract Infections: A Two-Step Cluster Approach, 1st International Electronic Conference on Brain Sciences, 10–25 November 2020
Ionela Maniu, George Maniu, A Systemic Review with Visualization using Adjutant: Application in Case of Febrile Seizure Research, The 8th IEEE International Conference on EHealth and Bioengineering – EHB 2020, Grigore T. Popa University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Web Conference, Romania, 2020
Ionela Maniu, Raluca Costea, Bogdan Mihai Neamtu, Cut-off Values for Biomarkers. A Review of Statistical Methods and an Application Study on the Association Between UTI and CRP in Febrile Seizure, The 8th IEEE International Conference on E-Health and Bioengineering – EHB 2020, Grigore T. Popa University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Web Conference, Romania, October 29-30, 2020
Daniel Hunyadi, Daniel Mara, The Results of Analysis on Romanian Teachers’ Training Needs on Information and Communications Technology, 13th annual International Technology, Education and Development Conference, 11-13 March, 2019, Valencia, Spain ISBN: 978-84-09- 08619-1, ISSN: 2340-1079, pg. 720-728
Raluca Costea, Ionela Maniu, Daniel Dumitru Banciu, Bogdan Mihai Neamtu, Cluster Analysis a Profiling Tool in Children with Febrile Seizures, The 7th IEEE International Conference on E-Health and Bioengineering – EHB 2019 , Grigore T. Popa University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Iasi, Romania, November 21-23, 2019
Bogdan Mihai Neamtu, Alexandru Farcuta, Beatrice Mihaela Radu, Andrei Dragomir, Ionela Maniu, Daniel Dumitru Banciu, Low Level Laser Modulation of Calcium Channels Leads to Neuronal Extensions Growth, The 7th IEEE International Conference on E-Health and Bioengineering – EHB 2019 , Grigore T. Popa University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Iasi, Romania, 2019
Maria Flori, The use of a sustainable model for the management of a crisis in the context of economic development, INTERNATIONAL MULTIDISCIPLINARY ACADEMIC STUDIES CONFERENCE (IMAS 2023).
Maria TOTAN, Oana-Raluca ANTONESCU, Ionela MANIU, Elisabeta ANTONESCU, Clinical and paraclinical evaluations of deficiency rickets, The 6th International Conference New Trends on Sensing – Monitoring – Telediagnosis for Life Sciences, NT SMT-LS 2022, September 8-10, 2022
Cristescu M. P., Flori M., Nerișanu R. A. – Applying a sustainable vector model to generate innovation, The 20th International Conference on INFORMATICS in ECONOMY (IE 2021), Bucharest, Romania, May 14th, 2021.
Sapira, V.; Maniu, I.; Lungu, M.; Stoleriu, G.; Nechifor, A.; Telehuz, A.; Maniu, G. From acute inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy to non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma – a challenge for diagnosis and treatment, in Proceedings of the 2nd International Electronic Conference on Brain Sciences, 15–30 July 2021, MDPI: Basel, Switzerland.
Nerișanu R. A., Flori M., Creativity as a neofactor of production, Proceedings of the 11th International Conference of Doctoral Students and Young Researchers, ISSN 978-606-10-2112-3, ISSN 2601 – 1840 (online), December 2020, pag. 316 – 320
Maria Flori, Qualitative modeling of a cybernetic system, Proceedings of the 11th International Conference of Doctoral Students and Young Researchers, ISSN 978-606-10-2112-3, ISSN 2601 – 1840 (online), December 2020, pag. 183 – 186.
Ionela Maniu, Raluca Costea, George Maniu, Bogdan Mihai Neamtu, Inflammatory Biomarkers in Febrile Seizure: A Comprehensive Bibliometric, Review and Visualization Analysis, 1st International Electronic Conference on Brain Sciences, 10–25 November 2020
Ionela Maniu, George Maniu, A Systemic Review with Visualization using Adjutant: Application in Case of Febrile Seizure Research, The 8th IEEE International Conference on E-Health and Bioengineering – EHB 2020, Grigore T. Popa University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Web Conference, Romania, October 29-30, 2020
Bănăduc D., Cismaş I.-C., Pătrulescu A., Voicu R., Curtean-Bănăduc A., Cobitis taenia Linnaeus, 1758 species populations management support systems in Natura 2000 site Sighișoara – Târnava Mare (ROSCI0227), Aquatic Biodiversity International Conference, Sibiu. 2019
Ionela Maniu, Raluca Costea, George Maniu, Bogdan Mihai Neamtu, Inflammatory Biomarkers in Febrile Seizure: A Comprehensive Bibliometric, Review and Visualization Analysis, Proceedings of the 1st International Electronic Conference on Brain Sciences, 10–25, November 2020
Maniu Ionela, Răulea Cristina, Maniu George, Considering Student Voice in Course Co-design Process, The 15th International Scientific Conference eLearning and Software for Education, Volume 2. Pages: 245-250, București, April 11-12, 2019. DOI: 10.12753/2066-026X-19-104
Florin Stoica, Laura Florentina Stoica, AutoML Insights: Gaining Confidence to Operationalize Predictive Models, The New Era of Business Intelligence. IntechOpen. DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.1004861
Nicolae Constantinescu, Algoritmi de optimizare a proceselor paralele cu aplicatii in criptografie, Editura Casa Cartii de Stiinta, Cluj-Napoca, 2022
O.A. Țicleanu, Procese neliniare peste curbe eliptice nonsupersingulare cu aplicatii in criptografie, Casa Cartii de Stiinta, ISBN: 978-606-17-2068-2, octombrie 2022.
Laura Florentina Laura, Tehnici de accesibilizare a materialelor didactice digitale, Capitolul 6, pp. 157-181, 2019. Daniela-Maria Crețu (coordonator), Predarea și învățarea în învățământul superior. Aspecte teoretice și practice. Editura universitară, București 2019, ISBN 978-606-28-0896-9.
Project manager | Project title | Grant value (RON) |
Nicolae Constantinescu | “Double authentication based on prior knowledge in distributed systems”, Grant nr. 2222/2022.06.08 | 12000 |
Oana Ticleanu | “Multiple authentication models based on particular elliptic curves”, Grant nr. 2945/18.07.2022 | 12000 |
Daniel Hunyadi | “Fuzzy Authorization Models in Data Mining”, Grant nr. 2913/18.07.2022 | 12000 |
Dana Simian | “Cercetări asupra metodelor de optimizare a modelelor de Machine Learning si aplicații”, Grant nr LBUS-IRG-2022-08 | 12000 |
Nicolae Constantinescu | “Detection and classification methods of penetration systems used in cybersecurity”, Grant nr. 3569/2023.07.24 | 15000 |
Oana Ticleanu | “Robust authentication systems in cybersecurity protection models” Grant nr 3568/24.07.2023 | 15000 |
Daniel Hunyadi | “Securing DataMining systems in order to protect against cyber attacks”, Grant nr 3540/24.07.2023 | 15000 |
Florin Stoica | “Instrument integrat pentru predicții analitice asistate”, Grant nr 3565/24.07.2023 | 15000 |